
Treeppl is on a mission to save the planet. 

Treeppl is a social enterprise that exists to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere by planting trees. We are a small, agile organisation with almost no running costs. So every £1 we raise, results in a tree being planted at one of our project sites.

Our trees are planted on farms throughout the UK. We have teamed up with British farmers who want to plant woodlands that absorb CO2, encourage the reintroduction of wildlife, improve the fertility of their soil and  create beautiful landscapes.


How it works!

Treeppl makes it easy for you to plant trees. Visit our planting page and select how much you would like to give each month. £5 per month will fund the planting of 60 new trees a year, starting your journey to becoming carbon neutral. 

Select how much you would like to give each month.

Receive a certificate to let you know exactly where your trees are planted.

Follow  your planting project though our social media channels.


Get involved with our UK tree planting projects

Whether you want to start planting trees as an individual or help your company to be greener,  we can help.

"It's the little things that citizens do. That's what will make the difference. My little thing is planting trees." - Wangari Maathai

"The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.
The second best time is now"- Chinese Proverb


We exist to improve the environment.

The average person in Britain is responsible for the production of around ten thousand kilograms of carbon dioxide per year, which is twice as much as we absorb in our forests and oceans. The excess carbon dioxide being created is causing global warming. This is why Treeppl has created tree planting projects that allow you to easily offset your carbon footprint. Our projects are run and maintained by Farmers throughout the UK and use trees that are suitable for the local area.  An average tree can absorb five to ten kilograms of carbon dioxide each year, so start planting now to help tackle global warming and support the development of the natural environment in Britain. 

Find out more by visiting our blog!


Get in Touch

Find out more about Treeppl, what we do and how you can become part of the family, by getting in touch.